Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Speed of Sound - Coldplay, Mencari Arti Hidup

Jumat 05-01-2024,16:33 WIB
Reporter : Mey
Editor : Mey

BACA JUGA:Lirik Lagu Shiver - Coldplay dan Terjemahan, Punya Makna Mendalam Soal Pengorbanan Cinta

Climb up, up in the trees

Every chance that you get

Is a chance you seize

How long am I gonna stand

With my head stuck under the sand?

I'll start before I can stop

Before I see things the right way up

All that noise, and all that sound

All those places I have found

And birds go flying at the speed of sound

BACA JUGA:Sambut Tahun Baru dengan Berlibur ke 7 Tempat Destinasi WIsata di Padang

To show you how it all began

Birds came flying from the underground

If you could see it then you'd understand

Ideas that you'll never find

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